Congratulations to Ruth Mildwaters who in 2018 was presented with the Premier's Certificate for her long service (over 20 years) to the community as a volunteer.
Congratulations and thank you Ruth.
Pictured with past show
president Maxine Tully
Kadina A H & F Society 2018 Luncheon
Life Member Presentation
Pictured below are the recipients of the 2018 Life Memberships, along with past members and Life Members of the Show Society
Back Row: David Woodforde, Graham Cross, Marilyn Philbey, Graham Sobey, Susan Daniel, Murray Lamshed, Mackenzie Weltman
Front Row: Raelene Bussenschutt, Ruth Mildwaters, Maxine Tully , Ron Roach.
Pictured right is Mackenzie Weltman from Agery,
who is the Kadina A. H.& F. Show Society Rural
Ambassador, who was selected as the Yorke Peninsula
Show Zone representative at the annual Country Shows
Symposium in 2018.
For more information on the Rural Ambassador program click here
Pictured below is Mackenzie receiving her Certificate and sponsorship from Graham Matchoss (YP Show Associations President) and Maxine Tully (Kadina Show Society President). The Presentation was held at the Yorke Peninsula Show Associations Presentation in 2018 in Maitland.