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 The Kadina Agricultural, Horticultural & Floricultural Society Inc. showgrounds, are   available for clubs and organisations to hire.


 The showgrounds also accommodate self-contained RV’s and motor homes i.e. RV’s or   motor homes, that are self-sufficient i.e. not needing power or water. Waste dumping and   water can be arranged through the “Farm Shed” Museum & Tourist Centre on Mines   Road, Kadina. 


 Bookings for sites are made at “The Farm Shed” Museum & Copper Coast   Information Centre on Mines   Road,  Kadina. 

 Short term only—available to the public 51 weeks out of 52 excepting the 3rd week in   August.


 Two Community Organisations currently use  the Kadina showgrounds:


 "Copper Coast Woodworkers Club" who use two outer buildings, housing woodworking   machines for regular use, and welcome any new members who like to dabble in all forms   of woodworking.  Contact Bob 8823 3634


 "Copper Coast Table Tennis Association" use the Grandstand Pavilion.

 Match nights each Wednesday from April to September. Contact the Secretary Lyndon  8821 2648 for further details.



 Kadina A. H. & F. Show Society - have grounds & buildings available for hire: 

 Grandstand dining room & kitchen for small functions.

 Exhibition Building has excellent acoustics for concerts and that old style charm for   weddings.


 Auctions are regularly held for those who wish to down size or just to move that shed   clutter. Watch the local YP Country Times action ads for further details.

 (Due to storm damage late 2021 to our main exhibition hall Garage   sales have been   temporarily suspended until repairs are completed). Enquiries to 0474 720 716


 We host two major events each year:


 Swap Meet  -  Sunday of the long weekend in June


 Copper Coast Annual 2 day show  -  3rd week on Saturday & Sunday in August.





The Kadina Agricultural, Horticultural & Floricultural Society Inc.

Est. 1871





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